Monday, January 23, 2017

Seven ways to prevent catching malware in 2017

The Internet has changed the world we live in. Accessing data and information as well as communicating with people from far away is nowadays a breeze. However, our curiosity can lead us down very dark virtual alleys that may not seem so dark at first sight. The biggest security risk is usually the user itself. Catching malware is fairly easy, but in general it can be avoided easily too. All we need is a little common sense. 
#1: Update your operating system, browsers, and plugins
Whenever there is an update available for your computer waiting in queue, don’t wait further. Updates to OS, browsers, and plugins are usually released to patch any security vulnerabilities recently found. So while you leave those softwares alone, cybercriminals may find their way in through the vulnerabilities.
#2: Install antivirus or malware software
This should go without saying. However there are many computers, particularly home computers that do not have an antivirus or malware protection installed. This should be a must-have first step when it comes to keeping you computer virus free.
#3: Only open downloads and links that you can trust
This too may seem obvious, but it shouldn’t be stressed enough. In order to keep your computer away from malware, you must not visit dubious sites or download questionable, dodgy or illegal files. This is pretty much a sure way to catch malware. If you aren’t able to avoid these sites, make sure your system is properly protected. If you need assistance evaluating links for their safety, you may use the browser plugin Web of Trust (WOT).
#4: Keep your antivirus updated
Protecting your system with protection software is the first step; maintaining it updated is the second. A free antivirus is better than nothing, but bear in mind that it is not the ideal solution. Microsoft provides a security package “free of charge”. Free in that if you have Windows on your system, you will have access, but only because you paid for your Windows license. Most users are not aware of this program, but it’s actually pretty decent protection.
#5: Turn off HTML in emails
Very often, malware is distributed through email. Malicious emails can contract malware by running scripts automatically when opening an email in HTML view. That is why most email clients per default don’t display HTML content – pictures, etc. Do not change this feature - leave it that way and only allow reliable sources to automatically display HTML content.
#6: Enable click-to-play pluginsOne of the more usual ways that exploit kits (or EKs) are delivered to your system is through malvertising, also known as malicious ads. You don’t even need to click on the ad to become infected. These malicious ads can live on well-known, prestigious websites. Besides maintaining your software patched so that exploit kits won’t do their dirty work, you can block the exploit from ever being delivered simply by enabling click-to-play plugins. Click-to-play plugins will keep Flash or Java from running unless you tell them to (by clicking on the ad). The bulk of malicious ads relies on exploiting these plugins, so by enabling this feature in your browser you will manage to keep the EKs at bay.
#7: Run regular scheduled scans with your antivirus
This one too might seem like a no-brainer, however many of us forget to do this. Set up your antivirus of choice to run at regular intervals. Once or twice a week is preferred, but do not wait much longer between scans. Keep in mind that it’s difficult to use your computer while your antivirus is running. A potential solution is to run the software during night time when you aren’t using it. However, we usually turn off the computers at night. Set your antivirus to run on a specific night and remember to leave your computer on on that day. Make sure it does not go into hibernation mode or shut off automatically.

The author of this article is Sarah Williams, who is a copywriter for Gloc Media, a PPC management agency in London, United Kingdom. You can follow her on Twitter on @SWilliamsLondon, connect with her on LinkedIn and say hi on Google+. She loves books, hiking and the online universe.

from Seven ways to prevent catching malware in 2017

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